Processing stages
Stage 2:
Section Editor
If your manuscript complies with all formatting guidelines and policies, it will be assigned anonymously to two section editors. They will independently review and score your paper based on a rubric. The scores and feedback provided will determine whether your manuscript is accepted, rejected, or sent back for minor revisions.
Stage 1:
Compliance Officer
After submission, your manuscript will first be reviewed by the Compliance Officer. During this initial screening, they will ensure that it adheres to all formatting guidelines and policies. The manuscript will also undergo AI detection, plagiarism checks, and fact verification to ensure accuracy and originality.
Stage 3:
Author editing
In some cases, a manuscript may meet our requirements and standards but still require a few adjustments. In these instances, the manuscript will be returned to the author with feedback, allowing them a brief period to make the necessary changes before resubmitting it for publication.
Stage 4:
If the manuscript meets the journal's standards, it will be accepted and published on our website. The author's work will be categorized under either the "Short Articles" or "Academic Papers" section, depending on the nature of the submission.
Why publish with YRR?
The Youth Research Review provides students with a professional platform to showcase their academic work. Publishing with us allows you to gain global exposure on our open-access platform and receive feedback from both peers and PhD mentors.
Writing for an academic journal will help students gain valuable critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills. Publishing research also enhances university applications and helps students’ projects stand out in science fairs, due to the rigorous process involved in writing research papers compared to other presentation formats.
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