Submissions and guidelines

YRR accepts the following submission types:
  • Literature reviews

  • Research articles

  • Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)

  • IB Extended Essay

  • AP Capstone Research

  • Short Articles

Literature Review:

A literature review is a summary of existing research on a specific topic. Its purpose is to give an overview of the current knowledge, not to present new data. A good literature review goes beyond simply summarising findings; it discusses and evaluates the information, identifies gaps, and suggests areas for further research. It may also draw new conclusions from existing data. The length of a literature review should not exceed 20 pages.

Research paper:

Students are invited to submit their advanced-level research in the form of a research paper. Unlike a literature review, research papers present original findings and experiments conducted by the students themselves. Students who have won awards at science fairs and similar competitions are encouraged to submit their research to gain exposure to a wider audience. The research paper should not exceed 20 pages

Short Articles:

We recognize that research takes many forms beyond advanced academic articles. A short article is an excellent option for students with limited research experience who want to present their small-scale findings, as well as for those interested in journalism. We also understand that some students prefer exploring a variety of topics rather than focusing on a single in-depth subject. To support this, we welcome short article submissions (700-2000 words) on any topic of interest. While short articles are not required to analyze literature or present novel research, students are encouraged to do so if they wish. The primary goal is to craft a well-written, engaging piece on a topic of their choice. Note that we accept Short Article submissions from both middle school and high school students.

Formatting guidelines:

The following guidelines apply to all submission types except Short Articles:

  • All fonts should be in Times New Roman

  • 8.5 x 11 inches page

  • 1 Inch margin on all sides

  • Title in font size 16, bold.

  • Headings in font size 14, bold.

  • Subsection headings in font size 14, bold, italic.

  • Body text font size 11

  • Single space after each heading

The following guidelines apply to Literature Review and Research Article submissions only:

  • Abstract should not exceed 200 words.

  • Figures and tables in numerical order: Figure 1, Figure 2, Table 1, Table 2.

  • APA standard citations, in numerical order according to the text.

How to submit?

Students interested in submitting an EPQ, IB paper, or AP Capstone paper do not need to adhere to the templates provided. However, their manuscript may be subject to formatting changes prior to publication. Students interested in submitting a literature review or research paper should use the following templates to format their work. YRR will only accept submissions formatted using the following template:

Please adhere to all guidelines and instructions included in the template.

Submissions at YRR are rolling, so you can submit your work at any time of the year. We also do not charge any submission or publication fees. When you are ready to submit your manuscript, please save your file as a Word document (using the ".docx") extension. The file should be titled "LastName_SubmissionType", or "LastName_LastName_LastName_SubmissionType" (if your manuscript was written by multiple authors), where "SubmissionType" is written as "LitReview", "Research", "IB", "AP", "EPQ", or "ShortArticle". Email your submissions to Your email should include the following:

  • The manuscript file

  • First and last names of all authors

  • First and last name of mentor (if applicable)

  • School(s) of authors

  • The category your work falls under - social science, humanities, or STEM

  • Separate files containing any images used in the manuscript

Please review our guidelines before submitting a manuscript.